Spring Programs Registrations Now Open
Volleyball Programs from March – June are now accepting applicants.
We are a skill based development program and focus on the development of the individual not the team from grdes Pre-K – 12. We help all athletes (co-ed) make their teams by introducing & teaching fundamentals, fine-tuning or re-training them on skills, teaching knowledge of the sport & team concepts. We use Intramurals to incoporate all of their training into play under a development platform. Teams don’t have time to teach all the skills because their focus is putting a team together.
Most importantly, we teach the value of effort, attitude, responsibility, working with others, self-discipline & personal motivation.
Which Program Should I Choose?
Not sure which class you should take? We’ve got you covered. Click below for the class that fits your training needs and goals.
HOT NYC Programs
If you are new to volleyball, not confident in your skills or have played for less than 6 months. This program is for you.
No prior experience is necessary.
No prior experience is necessary.
No prior experience is necessary.
Small Group Intensive is is similar to a Small Group Private and consists of ONLY 8 athletes working on ALL Skills in very small setting and pushing themselves.
No experience is necessary
No prior experience is necessary.
Once you have an understanding of the different volleyball skills, you can join League Development Play. This program puts your skills in motion by teaching you various team concepts, movements and strategies.
Prior knowledge of skills is recommended.
Now you’re ready to be on a team and play more. Teams of 6 to 8 players and a dedicated coach commit to 1 weekday practice, weekly games and tournaments.
Prior knowledge of skills is necessary.
Adults Skills and Play is a development program for athletes wanting to learn, improve, or perfect skills & team concepts. This is also a great program to keep your skills sharp or find your rhythm with skills training & start implementing your skills into game situations. This program contains involved play & knowledge of the game & position knowledge.
No prior experience is necessary.
If you need to fine tune your skills, learn a new position/rotation, or learn with a small group of friends, this specialized lesson can be tailored for you.
No prior experience is necessary
Programs NOW available in New Jersey. Develop skills, fine tune skills, learn team concepts and put skills into play. (Youth / Adults)
No prior experience is necessary
Programs NOW available in Westchester. Develop skills, fine tune skills, learn team concepts and put skills into play. (Youth / Adults)
No prior experience is necessary
HOT Progression
We value the health and safety of our students above everything else. Click the link to learn more about our Covid-19 Safety Protocols.